Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Old Firm XV: A Steampunk Tale

Master M looked around as his men dragged the officers and staff before him, many bleeding from wounds to body and limb. He looked down upon them as they glared defiantly at him, some cursing in their native gaelic or heavily accented Britannian. He looked to his men. "Execute the traitors." Cries were cut short as shots rang out until the echo of their thunder faded. The blank eyes of the General stared out at him and Master M. smiled. To the rails!" he ordered as several trams pulled up his men kicking their lifeless drivers from the seats. "We have a border to cross."

Rebecca watched as the trams slowly glided don their tracks. "Maureen, get out the transponder and blast the emergency code, we need resources." She turned to Stefania. "If he hasn't come to in a few minutes I need you to start slapping his face, both cheeks hard." Stefania gasped her hand going to her lips as he looked from Rebecca to John and back. 

"We don't have a lot of time. None of this is making any sense she indicated the dead men and the crashed airship with a sweep of her arm. It's more than a double cross but there is no reasoning behind it," she growled as she hiked her skirt and climbed the pile of rubble.

Maureen folded the tiny transmitter. "It's ok, she can be a bit blunt at times," indicating Rebecca, "but she knows her stuff, her and John go back a bit, served in intelligence together." She smiled at Stefania. 

"This is all," Stefania paused her Italian accent even more pronounced, "hard to understand. I never expected anything like this."

Maureen grinned. "John has a very bad habit of leaving out large bits of information when he hires someone."

Stefania nodded. " I was looking for adventure but this, this I never expected." 

A groan interrupted and both turned towards its source. John stirred his hand going to his head his fingers coming back spotted red. 'Bloody hell that hurts. I need a bloody drink." 

"Then get off your arse so we can hop on down to the pub you cheap bastard." Rebecca growled from the rubble. 

John opened his eyes and looked up. "Someone tell the pipers they can stop practicing," he groaned as he slowly rose on unsteady feet. 

"A whistle pierced the air and all four turned to see a constables steamer racing towards them. "Ah good a ride." John smiled.

"Just a short one," Rebecca said as she hopped down off the rubble her skirts swirling about her ankles.

"Short one?" John looked at Maureen and Stefania.

"We are chasing after Master M still," Maureen answered.

"Ah yes that blackguard," John said shaking his head then wincing. "Where did he run off too now?"

"The trams he commandeered appeared to be heading towards the rail station."

"Really? Whatever for? He has a perfectly good airship..." John stopped seeing the twisted remains on the granite airfield. "Oh my, that isn't good."

"None of this is making any sense to any of us." Rebecca said.

"King and Country lass," John answered as he wobbled towards her, Stefania quickly catching up and placing a steadying arm on his shoulder.

Rebecca snorted as the constables steamer pulled up.

To be continued...

Even More Conan & John Carter of Mars Cheesecake

More Conan & John Carter Cheesecake

Conan & John Carter of Mars Cheesecake

Some Education Fun

A bit harsh but sadly true in some parts of the country.